
MicroScientists are a diverse group of research and healthcare scientists who share a passion of promoting microbiology to the public. We all have different levels of experience, from research students to established post-doctoral researchers. Our common goal is to try and engage with children to promote science education and inspire the next generation of researchers and scientists in the longer-term.

We have a suite of engaging, hands-on activities aimed at facilitating thinking, critical evaluation and open discussions about microbiology. People can ‘Meet The Microbes’ and be introduced to the range of types of fluffy plush Giant Microbe toy microorganisms that exist in the natural and man-made world. They can be challenged to find out ‘How Clean Are Your Hands?’ in a hand-washing activity making use of fluorescent hand lotion and a UV lightbox to make them glow. They will learn about ‘Building Biofilms’ where people can build a 3D building-block biofilm structure, and then using various antimicrobial balls, smash their way through the structure to destroy the biofilm. Why not team up against some friends and see who has the strongest biofilm!?

MicroScientists is funded by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund. Our primary aim is supporting and encouraging STEM subject engagement in primary schools, with a target audience of schools and pupils from more socio-economically deprived areas (with key indicators such as STEM subject attainment and free school meal numbers), and those that do not typically associate with STEM subject careers post-education, or continuing their STEM subject education either at higher secondary school or University.

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